See What I See
05 July - 11 July 2023

Twiggles is a London-based photographer, working East to West, North to South. Obsessed with photography, her dedication to lighting and capturing subjects at their natural best, is what sets her apart.
'See What I See' is Sally Twigg second photography exhibition. The artworks span a two-year period from 2020, taking in elements of London’s nightlife and contemporary portraiture, during the Covid lockdown.
Back in 1998, Twiggles studied photography and the science of “drawing with light”. However, it wasn’t until 2017 that she decided to explore this pastime further. A trip to India was a visual revelation and invoked an eye for storytelling, through capturing brief, almost unseen moments or the layering of a scene. With this renewed energy she embarked on her career, predominately photographing moments in nightlife; the stars, socialites and characters that frequented her places of work. It’s a peek into a London you may not have noticed, which at its core remains decadent and flamboyant. A self-confessed “lighting geek”, Twiggles has used various in-camera techniques on her portraits. Film Noir and Sergio Leone films are visuals that have influenced her youth and maybe you’ll see the notions in her work. Using both 35mm film and digital she has a unique ability to provide a point of view that feels both personal and yet observational. The viewer has an opportunity to see what she, indeed, sees. Following on from her debut exhibition in November 2022, a further five large format artworks have been curated and added to the collection.
Opening hours: 12 pm - 8 pm (except Sunday: 1 pm - 6 pm)
Private viewing: 05 July, 6.30 pm - 10 pm
Performances by Lilita & Jazzi Sirius: evening of 06 & 07 July respectively
Q&A: 08 July, 6.30 pm
To attend any of these events please RSVP at