The Home that Carries Me
Nour Ammar curated by Hayaty Diaries
14 January - 19 January 2025

In the world of Nour Ammar, every gesture has a pulse. Shaped by intention and intuition, she is guided by her deep love for creation and sensitivity to touch. Each mark she leaves behind draws her closer to meaning, yet it is within the silent spaces between these marks - the subconscious rhythm of her creative process - that the true soul of her work resides. For Ammar, abstraction is liberation. As her practice deepens, her lines grow freer, her strokes more daring, and the boundaries of the self dissolve. In their place emerges something universal - undefinable, yet unmistakably human.
'The Home that Carries Me' is a love letter from Ammar to the act of creation itself. It is a record of how colour interacts, conflicts, and ultimately resolves; how forms emerge and dissipate; and how creation and destruction exist in perpetual motion. Devoted to the journey, she embraces the unknown, laying expressions bare on the surface and uncovering new realisations with each stroke. Through this act of surrender, Ammar reimagines a conception home - not as a physical place, but as a state of being, a mental sanctuary found in relinquishing control and yielding to the guiding force of gesture. Within this sacred space, the soul speaks before words form, meaning arises before meaning is understood, and hidden truths awaken through colour, movement, and light.
Originally from Egypt, Ammar utilises her canvas to channel her emotions, drawing inspiration from life itself, with a strong focus on themes of movement, instability, and uncertainty - themes that profoundly resonate with our collective human existence. In her quest for self-discovery, her abstract works avoid concrete narratives; instead, they serve as vessels of expression, providing a glimpse into her emotional world. She creates by instinct, enabling her emotions to flow freely rather than constraining them to predetermined frameworks.
This show is curated by Hayaty Diaries, an Art collective and Nomadic gallery founded in 2022 by Kinzy Diab and Christina Shoucair. They are dedicated to amplifying the voices of contemporary women artists from the MENA region, driven by a profound love for creativity in all its forms. Their mission is to share the inspiring stories of these artists, resonating with this generation and beyond.
Community building lies at the heart of their identity, they cultivate a supportive space where MENA women creatives can express themselves freely and forge meaningful connections. Their aim is to enhance the visibility of these artists, connecting them with collectors and art enthusiasts around the globe.
For inquiries about artwork or general information, please contact