James Marshall
19 Mar 2022
Featuring: Amelia Maxwell | Mark of a Woman
Art Advisor & Curator Amelia Maxwell Shares her Intentions for Curating her Recent Show.

Upon walking in to the J/M Gallery, I was greeted by Independent Art Advisor and Consultant - Amelia Maxwell. Adorned with a floral dress complementing the artworks behind - her curation expertise shone through immediately.
What strikes me with Amelia’s latest exhibition is that every artist has a clearly distinctive style. Where some express emotion and feelings through abstraction, some express it figuratively, and so forth. This was no small decision, with Amelia stating “They all share a commonality; they’re expressing emotion and feeling, but through different devices.” Each woman artist brings forth their individual expression, while keeping the same intention in mind.

A mother to two young girls, Amelia is determined to widen the possibility of achieving equally as a woman. This shows in her enthusiasm to produce her women-only show ‘Mark of a Woman’.
“Being a mother to two girls, I want to show them that they can do anything - whether it be a painter, or whatever they want to be. I want them to grow up knowing it’s okay to pursue whatever they please.”
It was interesting to hear Amelia’s background in the arts. She initially moved to London to paint. Although starting as a painter, Amelia soon realised that her true passion was embedded in helping other artists show, gain exposure, and make sustainable income. It wasn’t as plain sailing however; Amelia soon found herself to be working in a gallery, stating she “…felt like there was such a gap. I was working in a gallery that was dominated by male painters, and I just knew there was so much more talent out there.”. Although she respectively sold the works of L.S Lowry and Hockney, amongst others - giving the underrepresented a wider voice is something which brings her greater resonance.
Supposed to occur pre-COVID, ‘Mark of a Woman’ (on show at the J/M Gallery until 21/3/22) is a celebration of the contributions, determination and perseverance from women in the arts. With record-breaking sales of women artists increasing by the day, Amelia recognises the collective nature of all-women shows and representation. “Lots of other galleries and curators are doing the same thing, and it’s opening up so many more doors.” Amelia references the Victoria Miro Gallery as a fine example of this.

Marking not only a tremendous post-COVID return for Amelia, ‘Mark of a Woman’ offers an escape in to the expressions from impeccably talented women. Delicately saturated with colour, the exhibition brings a joyful immersion of early summer. If you happen to pass the J/M Gallery on Portobello Road, we recommend visiting Amelia’s curation of women-awesomeness.